Топики на тему образования: Learning Foreign Languages.

It is necessary to learn foreign languages. That"s why pupils have got such subject as a foreign language at school. Everybody knows his own language, but it is useful to know foreign languages.

I learn English, because I understand that I can use it. For example, if I go to England I"ll be able to speak English there. If I go to the USA, I"ll speak English too. English is used not only in England, but also in other parts of the world.

I learn English because I want to read foreign literature in the original. I know and like such English and American writers as Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, Lewis Carroll and others. I understand that I must learn English. If I know English well, I"ll be able to go to the library and take books by English and American writers in the original.

I like to travel. But it is difficult to visit countries, when you don"t know the language of these countries. If I know the language of the country, where I am going to, it will be easy to travel there. If I want to ask something, I can do it in English.

I like to read books. And I like to read newspapers, too. If I know, for example, English I"ll be able to read English newspapers and magazines. Knowledge of foreign languages helps young people of different countries to understand each other, to develop friendship among them. For example, we have a foreign exhibition in Moscow. If I know a foreign language, it is easy for me to visit this exhibition.

You can see a lot of advertisements, signboards, names in the streets. They are in foreign languages. Very often they are in English. If you know English, you can read and understand them.

Now we buy many clothes from other countries If you know English well, you can read something about the size of this or that thing. It is clear for you what it is made of.

There are a lot of films in foreign languages. If you know foreign languages, you can understand films without any help.

There are international friendship camps in the world. If you can speak foreign languages, it will be easy for you to visit such camps and speak with the boys, girls, men even they don"t know Russian.

In short, I understand that I have to learn English in a proper way and I try to do it.

Перевод текста: Learning Foreign Languages

Необходимо изучить иностранные языки. Именно поэтому ученики имеют такой предмет как иностранный язык в школе. Каждый знает его собственный язык, но полезно знать иностранные языки.

Я изучаю английский язык, потому что я понимаю, что я могу использовать это. Например, если я пойду в Англию, то я буду в состоянии говорить на английском языке там. Если я пойду в США, то я буду говорить на английском языке также. Английский язык используется не только в Англии, но также и в других частях мира.

Я изучаю английский язык, потому что я хочу прочитать иностранную литературу в оригинале. Я знаю и как такие английские и американские авторы как Чарльз Дикенс, Марк Твен, Льюис Карролл и другие. Я понимаю, что я должен изучить английский язык. Если я буду знать английский язык хорошо, то я буду в состоянии пойти к библиотеке и взять книги английскими и американскими авторами в оригинале.

Я люблю путешествовать. Но трудно посетить страны, когда Вы не знаете язык этих стран. Если я буду знать язык страны, куда я иду в, то будет легко поехать туда. Если я хочу спросить кое-что, я могу сделать это на английском языке.

Я люблю прочитать книги. И я люблю прочитать газеты, также. Если я буду знать, например, английский язык, то я буду в состоянии прочитать английские газеты и журналы. Знание иностранных языков помогает молодым людям различных стран понимать друг друга, развивать дружбу среди них. Например, мы имеем иностранную выставку в Москве. Если я знаю иностранный язык, это легко для меня посетить эту выставку.

Теперь мы покупаем много одежд от других стран, Если Вы знаете английский язык хорошо, Вы можете прочитать кое-что о размере этого или той вещи. Это ясно для Вас, из чего это сделано.

Есть много фильмов на иностранных языках. Если Вы знаете иностранные языки, Вы можете понять фильмы без любой помощи.

В мире есть международные лагеря дружбы. Если Вы можете говорить иностранные языки, это будет легко для Вас посетить такие лагеря и говорить с мальчиками, девочками, мужчины, даже они не знают русский язык.

Короче говоря, я понимаю, что я должен изучить английский язык надлежащим способом, и я пробую сделать это.

People in Europe started to learn languages in the 11th century. It is known that Yaroslav the Wise knew a lot of foreign languages. But at those times learning foreign languages was a privilege of rich people.

Today millions of people all over the world learn foreign languages. They are very important in our life. People, who know foreign languages, are necessary for the development of the technologies, economy and arts in the modern society. For example, a good engineer or a qualified worker should be able to read some technical papers for the imported equipment.

Learning foreign languages is especially important in our country. People want to learn foreign languages to write to their penfriends, or to communicate with them personally. People also want to read works of famous writers in the original, newspapers and magazines. During the classes of foreign languages one can train his memory and thinking. In addition, a foreign language helps to know the native language better. A person who learns a foreign language, at the same time gets acquainted with the culture of the country, its literature, history and geography.

Изучение иностранных языков

Люди в Европе начали изучать языки в 11 веке. Известно, что Ярослав Мудрый знал много иностранных языков. Но в те времена обучение иностранным языкам было привилегией богатых людей.

Сегодня миллионы людей во всем мире изучают иностранные языки. Они играют большую роль в нашей жизни. Люди, которые знают иностранные языки, необходимы для развития техники, экономики и искусства в современном обществе. Например, хороший механик или квалифицированный рабочий должен уметь прочитать некоторые технические документы для импортного оборудования.

Изучение иностранных языков особенно важно в нашей стране. Люди хотят изучать иностранные языки чтобы переписываться со своими друзьями, либо общаться с ними лично. Люди также хотят читать произведения известных писателей в подлиннике, газеты и журналы. На уроках иностранных языков тренируется память и мышление. Иностранный язык даже помогает знать родной язык лучше. Человек, который изучает иностранный язык, в то же время знакомится с культурой страны, ее литературой, историей и географией.

Language is the means of communication. The most common way of expressing an idea for people is to say it out loud. Language enables people to understand each other. At the same moment language can be a major barrier to understanding because there are thousands of different languages on our planet. From the earliest time, with the development of trade and exchange of ideas and techniques people saw the necessity of learning foreign languages. Egyptian pharaohs had scribes and interpreters at their disposal.

A language that is used as a means of communication by people of different nations is called international. International language helps people of different nations to understand each other. Different epochs had different international languages. As a rule the existence of the language as an international one is determined by political, cultural and economic development of the country which language is spoken as international.

International language is not the phenomenon of our age only. The first international language appeared on the Earth with the birth of civilisation. The Biblical myth about the mixture of languages during the construction of the Babylon Tower, when the people lost their universal language and thus could not communicate, was a reflection of how dearly the people of ancient periods held the gift of speech and understanding. Ever since those times the foreign languages and people who knew them played a significant part in the development of international relations and trade of different countries.

The first international language that we know about was the language of the Phoenicians. The Phoenicians were a nation of industrious merchants and brave seafarers who settled originally on the territory of the Lebanon. Their trading ships travelled across the Mediterranean, they often appeared in Egypt, Italy, and Greece, they voyaged across the Indian and Atlantic oceans. They were the first to round the Cape of Good Hope, the southernmost point of Africa. The Phoenicians were the first to create the alphabet, that later was borrowed by the Greeks. It is not surprising in this context that Phoenician was the international language for many centuries.

The Greek language replaced Phoenician as a means of international communication. After the military expeditions of Alexander of Macedonia the Greek language won recognition all over Asia. The Greek culture and language were imposed in all Hellenistic centres and states, including Egypt, Syria and Persia. The Romans went a little further. The Roman legionary marched to the ends of the earth carrying Latin, their language, with the help of their orators and philosophers to Europe, Asia, and Africa. From that time on the role of languages in the historical development of humanity has increased. Latin survived the collapse of the Roman Empire. Until the establishment of national states, new national languages that originated from Latin (French, Spanish, and Italian) were still emerging. In such circumstances although the native speakers of Latin were gone, it was a universal language of Mediaeval Europe for fifteen centuries. In Europe Latin was used for the serious business of government, diplomacy, and philosophy. A person who did not know Latin was unable to become educated because Latin was also the language of the Universities. In the Middle Ages students and professors travelled from one country to another, from one University to another, and nowhere they had any difficulties in understanding their colleagues and friends as all lectures were delivered in Latin.

Then with the emergence of national states and development of national languages the need to learn foreign languages became especially acute. Besides classical languages modern languages were introduced in the list of school studies. Educated people of Europe were to know several modern languages. For example, Rubens, the greatest painter of the Western civilisation who lived in Flanders in the 17-th century, spoke and wrote six modern languages.

It should be said that not all the languages had equal importance in different centuries in the world. Preference was given to that one which country was more powerful at that time. In the 15-th and 16-th centuries Spain was in the vanguard of European and world expansion and the Spanish language could be heard in the far reaches of our planet. French became the dominant language of the Western world in the 17-th and 19-th centuries. In the 19-th century French was the official language of our country. Since childhood Russian aristocrats were learning French. For example, Pushkin wrote his first poem in French. Russian was spoken only by common people.

In the first half of the 20-th century, during the period between two World Wars, English started gradually to replace French as the international language. Moreover, in the second half of the 20-th century the United States became the world"s dominant power. The USA had enormous political, economic and cultural influence on the Western world.

The transition from French to English as the international language was relatively easy because in many countries of the world people already knew English by that time. The British Empire brought English not only in the North America, but in the Australia, Africa, and India as well. The leadership of English in the modern world can be explained by numerous factors. Over 300 million people who live in Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America speak English is as a native tongue. English is one of the official languages in the Irish Republic, Canada, the South African Republic. It is also the second official language used in the former British and U.S. colonies. English is one of the official languages of the United Nations Organisation and other political organisations. It is the language of literature, education, modern music, international tourism.

The dominance of English in the contemporary world is explained by the appearance of lots of people who want to learn English not for pleasure or prestige but because English has become the key to international scientific, technological and commercial innovations of today.

Previously the reason for learning any foreign language was not well defined. Knowledge of foreign languages was regarded as a sign of a well-rounded education, but few had really questioned why it was necessary. The problem of learning languages is very important today, Foreign languages are socially demanded especially at the present time when the progress in science and technology has led to an explosion of knowledge. The total knowledge of mankind doubles every seven years. English is needed as the main and the most efficient means of information exchange. With the acceptance of English as the international language of technology and commerce appears a new generation of people who know why they are learning the language. Scientists and scholars need it to keep up with developments in their fields. Many students need English because their course of studies includes textbooks avail able only in English. Young people around the world need English in order to be able to use the Internet, communicate with their partners in other countries, understand films and songs.

Unfortunately, there is no universal or ideal method of learning languages. Everybody has his own way. Sometimes it is boring to study grammar or learn new words. But it is well known that reading books in the original, listening to the BBC news, communicating with native speakers will help a lot. When learning a foreign language one learns the culture and history of the native speakers. One must work hard to learn any foreign language.

When do children start learning foreign languages in Russia?

Much depends on the parents. Some children start to learn foreign languages very early, in kindergartens for example. They are taught ABC English there: they sing songs, recite nursery rhymes and learn to construct some phrases. Others start learning languages at school. At some specialised schools foreign languages are taught from the second to the eleventh class. But generally pupils learn foreign languages from the fifth to the eleventh class.

Are foreign languages included in entrance exams?

Many Universities include foreign languages in entrance exams. Students who specialise in humanities, such as History, Sociology, and Philosophy need to know foreign languages for their professional career.

Why do people learn foreign languages in Russia?

Russia is integrating into the world community and the problem of learning English for the purpose of communication is especially urgent today. In Russia people learn English to be able to exchange the latest information concerning science, technology and commerce with their colleagues; to be able to read foreign newspapers and books. Learning foreign languages is especially popular among young people. For them English is a way of exploring a completely new world. A person who travels a lot also needs English. Even in the countries where English is not an official language people will generally be able to understand it.

In how many countries is English the official language?

English is the official language of some thirty states which represent different cultures. Many countries, which have more than one official language have English among other official languages.

What is a distinguishing feature of English?

English belongs to a group of Germanic languages. Thus German is relatively close to English. At the same time England had numerous contacts with France, so French had tremendous influence on English. Today a person who knows both English and French will easily find numerous similarities in these languages. Those who already know English will have less difficulties learning French.

Is English an easy language to learn?

Yes, it is. Basically English is an easier language to learn than almost any other language. Its grammar is not difficult at all.

What do you think is the most difficult about English?

The richness of the vocabulary makes English a difficult language. Moreover, spelling and pronunciation make trouble. An other thing is that Russian and English are very different. It is not easy for a Russian to learn how to use definite and indefinite articles properly because there are no articles in Russian. In this context it should be said that the Germans and the French have less difficulties with English.

Why are foreign languages important for specialists?

Specialist should know foreign languages to communicate with their colleagues at the conferences, through books and journals or the Internet. Today it is not enough for a professional to know only one foreign language. That is why many young people who begin to think about their future early start learning several languages. For Russian specialists it is good to know not only English, but German and French as well. Undoubtedly, English is number one language that specialists should learn.

What kind of foreign language do specialists have to know?

Specialists have to know that kind of English which will help them to solve their professional problems. They need English for specific purposes. It has been established that there are important differences between, say, the English of commerce and that of engineering. That is why a great deal of English courses for specific groups of learners have been developed. The discovery that language varies from one situation of use to another allowed to determine the features of the specific situations making them the basis of the learners course. Today specialist of different branches of sciences and professionals can learn English for their specific purposes. Nowadays there are English courses for Biology, Geography, Law, History, Mathematics, Medicine, Economy, and other sciences.

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Топик Изучение иностранного языка объясняет, что в наше время каждый образованный человек должен знать иностранный язык. И самый популярный язык во всем мире – английский. Это язык прогрессивной науки и техники, торговых и культурных связей, торговли и предпринимательства, язык международной авиации, судоходства и спорта и основной язык дипломатии. На втором месте в мире – китайский язык, на третьем – арабский.

More and more people realize that every educated person should know a foreign language. The most popular language now is English. English is a world language. It’s the language of progressive science and technology, trade and cultural relation, commerce and business. It’s the universal language of international aviation, shipping and sports. It is also the major language of diplomacy. Hundreds and hundreds of books, magazines and newspapers are printed in English and real all over the world. 75% of the world’s mail and 60% of the world’s telephone calls are in English. Half of the world’s scientific literature is written in English too.

English is spoken by more than 350 million people. It is the official language of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland of the United States of America, of Australia and New Zealand. English is used as one of the official languages in Canada, the Republic of South Africa and the Irish Republic. It’s also spoken as second language speakers in many parts of Asia and Africa.

The number of second language speakers may soon exceed the number of native speakers. In Russia English is very popular: it is studied at schools, colleges, universities, and sometimes even at nurse schools. There are also other languages that are popular in the world. For example over 1000 million people use Chinese, the first language in the number of people who speak it, it means that out one of every five people in whole world speaks Chinese. Another popular language is Arabic, which is the official language of several Asia’s countries (Iran, Iraq, Syria, United Arab Emirates and others).

Learning a foreign language is not an easy thing. It is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and patience. But to know languages today is absolutely necessary for everyone. I want to know foreign language because I have always been interested in foreign countries and their cultures. You know I think that who doesn’t know a foreign language, doesn’t know his own language.

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Тема: Изучение иностранных языков

Learning foreign languages is becoming more and more popular in our country. It"s not surprising because Russia is now part of Europe and the whole world. Very little clear and detailed communication can occur among people who don"t have a common language. Besides learning foreign languages helps us to gain a better appreciation of our own language.

It goes without saying that English is the most popular foreign language now. There are many reasons for its popularity. It has become the standard language for all kinds of international communication. The English language has become the world"s top tongue and I think it is going to become a global language, dominating the world"s trade, computers and media.

On the other hand, we should not forget the cultural value of our native language. It"s a pity that many young people in order to make a fortune choose a foreign language for communication and leave their identity behind. That results in language extinction and this process takes place nearly everywhere in the world.

According to various linguists, half of the world"s languages will die out during the next century. On the one hand, it"s not bad as people"s communication will become easier, but on the other hand, language extinction is a disaster because it reduces the diversity of our planet which is the key to our survival. I think that larger cultures should have a respect for minority languages, but first of all the younger generation must want to preserve their native language.

Nowadays English is the most popular foreign language in Russia. If you know English, you can get a better job, more money and people will respect you more. As for me, I learn English because it expands my horizons and prepares me for a successful career. Besides, English attracts me because it"s the language of business and computers. English is also very useful when you travel abroad. More than that, it"s a good exercise for the intellect, though, of course, it"s a tricky language to learn because there seems to be more exceptions than rules.

Some students think that being able to communicate is the most important in learning a language and they do not care that they make many mistakes in speaking. In my opinion, the efficient language learner should be concerned with both communicating and accuracy. In addition, the good language learner is independent, organized and active.

In my opinion, learning foreign languages is extremely beneficial. I would also like to learn Spanish. It will help me to get a job in the tourist industry, as so many people go on holiday to Spain. I would also like to expand my knowledge of Spanish customs and traditions.

To sum up, I believe that knowledge of foreign languages helps to make a person educated and well-rounded. It is not only the language that counts but also the fact that it is a way of getting to know different cultures. You can"t broaden your mind if you see the world only from the perspective of your own culture.

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