Have played the games. It’s adds Portal 2 themed content to Minecraft. The highlighted feature is the Portal Gun , which replicates the behavior of the device from the Valve game by allowing the player to place two portals and teleport instantly between them.

There is a red portal and a blue portal, and these are independent of one another. Enter red on one side and you’ll exit red on the other; the same goes for blue. But the things you can do with these two different portals are what really make this mod a great addition to Minecraft.

Is to make links between two different points, allowing for immediate travel from one to the next. Set one portal up in your home, and then you can return there whenever you want from a mineshaft, dungeon, temple or other place.


  • Portal Gun: The portal gun comes in a few different colors and can create portals corresponding to its color. Portals are made by left and right clicking, portals cannot be made on transparent blocks, if an invalid location is selected for a portal there is a small particle effect similar to the game Portal. Portals can be reset by pressing the “R” key while holding the portal gun using the default settings. Solid blocks and mobs can be picked up with the portal gun while nearby by pressing the “G” key on default settings and can be dropped by pressing the “G” key again, blocks dropped by the portal gun will fall similar to sand and gravel if not placed adjacent to a solid block, blocks will also keep damage values and tile entities. Some blocks cannot be picked up if mod author’s choose, a good example of this is rubber tree blocks from Industrial Craft 2 cannot be picked up with the portal gun to prevent creating a wall of tappable rubber blocks. Blocks and mobs held with the portal gun will be taken through portal gun portals but the player must walk through first. When only one portal is active it will appear similar to how it would appear in the game Portal, however when there are two active portals of corresponding colors you can see “through” each portal to the other one. If a portal is shot onto the moon and the other on the ground, all blocks and entities nearby will be sucked in. Portals have an outline that can be seen through blocks similar to in the game Portal and Portal 2.
  • Portal Spawners: When placed a portal spawner will show a GUI displaying all the portal colors from which you can pick, a portal spawner will spawn a portal when activated with a redstone current, this portal is no different than one created with a portal gun.
  • Weighted Storage Cube: To put it simply, a storage cube is an entity, which can be used on pressure plates and can be pushed around by other entities. Companion cubes can be smelted into the music disk “still alive” which can be played in a jukebox to play the Valve’s Portal song,which will play in the portal game after you defeat GLaDOS. The storage cube can also be combined with a rose on the crafting grid to make a companion cube, see weighted companion cube.
  • Weighted Companion Cube: Companion cubes can be made by combining a weighted storage cube with a rose in the crafting grid to make your new friend. Companion cubes can also be smelted into the music disk “still alive” which can be played in a jukebox to play one of Valve’s Portal songs as will play in the portal game after you defeat GLaDOS. Otherwise, they perform in the same way as a Weighted Storage Cube.
  • Sentry Turret: Turrets are entities that are hostile to all entities except the player, an odd feature. They shoot laser tracking beams from a laser on the central part of their body and a turrets side panels will pop out when tracking something, not unlike in the portal game. When bumped sharply or hit. Turrets will also rotate/move if gently pushed, and when “de-activated” will make noises like in the portal game. Turrets have a 1/10 chance of spawning normally.
  • Defective Turret: The defective turret is a turret that has a laser beam tracker, but will not shoot anything at all, and has an odd texture much like the portal game. They will also say different things than the regular turret.
  • Oracle Turret: Oracle turrets have the same texture as a sentry turret, but have no laser beam and always face forwards. They will also perform a “dance” (performs like an accordion) and sing the song “Valve: turret wife serenade” when placed in a row of four. Several groups of oracle turrets can be made to dance at the same time, as long as there is at least five blocks of air between groups.
  • High Energy Pellet Launcher: The High Energy Pellet Launcher is from portal 1,this shoots an instant-kill pellet that moves at a moderate speed,it needs to be placed on a block,and it will turn back into the item when the block it is on is destroyed.If you get the pellet into a High Energy Pellet Catcher,the Catcher will emit a redstone signal.The Launcher itself needs to be powered by redstone to shoot a pellet,and it will stop shooting pellets once the pellet it last shot hits a High Energy Pellet Catcher.
  • High Energy Pellet Catcher: The High Energy Pellet Catcher will emit a redstone signal when a High Energy Pellet hits it. Like the High Energy Pellet Launcher, it must be placed on a block, and it will turn into the item if the block it is on is destroyed. When the use button is clicked on the launcher, it wil release the HEP(High Energy Pellet).

Teleport to Anywhere:


  • Fixed mod compatibility with changing texture packs.
  • Fixed shooting portals through glass/iron fences making it go through blocks.
  • Portal Gun Mod 1.11.2 not yet updated!

Mod showcase:


Mod Part 0:

Default Portal Gun

Atlas’ Portal Gun

P-Body’s Portal Gun

  • Fire Portals with the left and right mouse buttons.
  • Zoom in and out with the middle mouse button.
  • Grab blocks or entities with the “G” button.
  • Reset portals with the “R” button.
  • For the bacon gun, the portal’s colour is randomly generated. However, it can be defined in the properties file.
  • This is your special set of portals on SMP. Unique per individual.

  • When placed, a GUI will pop up asking you to set the colour, and if the portal stays open if redstone power is cut.
  • When powered with redstone, it will spawn a portal based on the colour you set.

Portal Gun Pedestals

  • Accepts any type of portal gun.
  • Automatically fire portals when it receives redstone current.
  • Portal Gun can be retrieved by right clicking or walking into them

Single Coloured Default Portal Gun

  • Fires only one type of portal.
  • Will automatically merge with the single coloured portal gun of the other colour to form a dual portal gun.
  • Can also be crafted together.

  • Negates all your falling damage when worn!

  • You can now enable a fuel option in 1.3.2v1 onwards in the config file.
  • The fuel that the portal gun uses is in form of Ender Pearl Dust.
  • One ender pearl dust is used every time you fire a portal.
  • If you run out of ender pearl dust the portal gun will dim and refuse to fire.

Mod Part 1:

Weighted Storage Cube

Placing it in the world and right clicking it with a rose will transform it into a companion cube!

Whilst in your inventory, the companion cube will help heal you every 5 seconds!

Incinerating the cube (How could you!?) will cause it to leave behind a recorded message.

Smelting the disc will cause the plastic to deteriorate, changing the entire track!

Crafting two of the first discs together will also change the track.

  • Plays the radio loop record repeatedly.
  • Can be turned off with right click (configurable)

Weighted Storage Cube Vent

Weighted Companion Cube Vent

  • Placed on ceilings.
  • Requires redstone power.
  • Cubes deployed cannot be broken.
  • Redeploys new cube if redstone is still supplied and cube gets destroyed.

Right clicking the cube with cyan dye will make it bouncy! Get rid of the bounciness by putting it in water.
(Initially a request by TheFrogMC for the portal 2 gels mod, but I found it too fun to make it exclusive to that mod)

Mod Part 2:

Material Emancipation Grid

  • These are placed from wall to wall, and has a maximum range of 15 blocks.
  • Pouring fluid through it will disable it.
  • These grids have several modes, which are configurable in the properties file.
  • These grids are also configurable to have to be redstone powered.

Mod Part 3:

(Model made in Techne)

  • Shoots anything, configurable in properties file.
  • Has range of 20 blocks, also configurable.
  • Fires 20 bullets a second.
  • Will die if pushed over.

Defective Turrets

When sentry turrets get smelted, their sleek body polish melts off and their circuits gets messed up!

Mod Part 4:

Aerial Faith Plates

  • Can be placed on floors, walls and ceilings.
  • Wall plates can be oriented to look upwards or downwards.
  • Right click to adjust the power.
  • Can be set to be redstone powered to work.

Electronic Intelligence Indicator

  • Intelligently indicates if it is indirectly being powered by redstone
  • Warning: Will not increase intelligence if ingested.

Mod Part 5:

High Energy Pellet Launcher

  • Launches a High Energy Pellet when powered by redstone.
  • High Energy Pellets disintegrates living things on contact (Configurable to knockback)
  • High Energy Pellets spontaneously combusts if it bounces too many times, travels too far or lives for too long.

Мод Portal Gun 1.12.2 / 1.11.2 - еще одно замечательное дополнение к Minecraft, разработанное легендарным iChun. Так же, как и название, Portal Gun вдохновлен популярной игрой: Portal (от Valve) со специальным пистолетом, который позволяет вам телепортироваться в одно мгновение .

Portal - известное решение для головоломок, выпущенное в 2007 году Valve и быстро получившее популярность благодаря уникальному геймплею, головоломкам с большим трудом и позорному герою GlaDOS. 4 года спустя Valve выпустил Portal 2 с более богатой сюжетной линией и лучшим выражением для персонажей. Специальный портал Gun в игре по-прежнему высоко ценится сегодня как уникальный и универсальный для различных ситуаций.

Из-за его сложности среда Minecraft считается непригодной для Portal Gun. Но iChun сделал немыслимое: Portal Gun Mon отлично смоделировал все функции Portal_Gun, а также включил знаковые элементы франшизы портала в Minecraft, такие как карточный GlaDOS-портал Gun, башня, сапоги с длинными осени... Все отлично воссоздано в Minecraft. Portal Gun требует Minecraft 1.12.2, 1.10.2, 1.7.10,

Who doesn’t already know about Portal? If you play games on the PC and you own any products at all on Steam, you should already know about this puzzling platforming series. The Portal Gun command block adds a functional portal gun to Minecraft, bringing the most interesting aspect of Valve’s game series into Mojang’s voxel-based world. The good news is this process is seamless and easy, with the addition being a simple copy-paste into a command block in Minecraft. The bad news is that if you’ve already played with before, there isn’t much new to find here.

Crafting your portal gun is pretty easy too. All you need to do is throw a mint condition bow on the ground, then toss one ender pearl and one block of iron onto the bow. The items will all magically kind of melt together and produce a portal gun for you. Shooting arrows from the newly enchanted bow will produce portals, and one portal will lead to another just like in the game. This makes the Portal Gun command block seriously easy to use, as well as seriously useful for players who have good aim. With a bow, you could effectively go anywhere you normally could with ender pearls.

How to install Portal Gun Command Block for Minecraft?

  • Setup 1 – The first command you can run is:

/give @p minecraft:command_block

  • Setup 2 – Next, place it and paste the following command inside it.
  • Setup 3 – After you have finished copied all the commands, run the command block with a Redstone block.